Watch Online The Office S08 E08 Gettysburg

Air date:11/17/2011 Thursday 9:00 PM on NBC
Genre: Comedy, nbc
Synopsis:Andy decides to motivate and inspire everyone by taking them on a field trip to Gettysburg. Some people in the office stay behind and Robert California asks them to come up with Dunder Mifflin/Sabre's next big idea.Based on the popular British series of the same name, this faster-paced American version follows the daily interactions of a group of idiosyncratic office employees at paper company Dunder Mifflin's Scranton branch via a documentary film crew's cameras. More Regional manager Michael (Steve Carell) thinks he's the coolest, funniest, best boss ever - which, of course, makes him the uncoolest, most obnoxious and annoying boss as far as his staff are concerned. Salesman Jim Halpert (John Krasinski) has always loved receptionist Pam Beesly (Jenna Fischer) and loves sabotaging his cube-mate, the know-it-all Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson). Ryan Howard (B.J. Novak) started as a young, smart, self-possessed temp, but quickly figured out the real office politics despite Michael's attempts to instill the official point-of-view, and gets himself a job at corporate HQ in New York.
Review Episode: Jim started as the audience surrogate; a guy trapped in an all-around crappy life, hating every minute of it and being stuck as the level head in a world of fools. His battles with Dwight were the descendants of the pranks done in M*A*S*H- a way to keep one’s sanity in a horrific situation. As the show progressed, he got the American dream- respect from his employers and employees, top sales figures, a promotion (that he could have regained once Michael left), the house, and, most importantly, the girl who became the wife who became the wife and kids. And, more than that, he seemingly got it all with very little effort. In recent years, episodes like Lotto, Garden Party, and Classy Christmas were better venues for Jim because he got to do interesting/active things (and, coincidentally, had more interactions with Dwight), but for the most part he has turned into an incredibly dull figure. Obviously fatherhood changes a man, but that doesn’t mean for the better.