Watch Live Terra Nova Season 1 Episode 8 Proof

Air date:11/14/2011 Monday 8:00 PM on FOX
Genre: action-and-adventure, Drama, fox,
Summary:Maddy starts interning for the colony's greatest scientist (guest star Robert Coleby), and her life is put in danger when she discovers a terrible secret. Meanwhile, Josh makes a deal with the devil in order to solidify his plan to bring his girlfriend from the future to Terra Nova. In the year 2149, the planet Earth is a disaster, and most of the plant and animal life has become extinct. Scientists can't reverse the More damage, but have found a way to travel back to prehistoric times to save the human race.
Among the Tenth Pilgrimage of settlers in Terra Nova is the Shannon family. Jim Shannon, played by Jason O'Mara, is a loving father with secrets in his past. His wife, Elisabeth, is a trauma surgeon who has been recruited to join Terra Nova's medical team. Their three children join them on this journey: Josh is 17 and is not happy about leaving the life he knows. Maddy is 15 and is looking forward to a new life and a chance to make changes. Zoe is 5, and there is a secret involving her that could create problems for the Shannon family.